Date Saturday Nov. 19, 2022
Time 9 AM to Noon.
Location Jon Stephenson’s Shop, 9 Kilner Bay Drive, Superior, WI
Coffee & Chatter
9:00 Call to Order
Presidents Report – Introduction of new members and visitors
Short report on Executive Board Meeting
Treasure’s Report
Old Business
Membership Dues Report
New Business
Show & Tell – Please bring in a project and briefly describe how you made it. Since we learn from each other, this is a great part of our program, so we hope everyone participates. Critiques are optional, just let us know if you are showing something you just learned, or maybe you are showing it because you are looking for suggestions on how to improve or make changes for next time.
Questions & Answers—Do you have a tool you are questioning how to use? A chunk of wood in the shop you haven’t been able to figure out how to cut up or what to make with it? A finish that isn’t quite coming out right? Bring it in and let the group brainstorm with ideas. At our next meeting Ray will bring in a “wedge” of Russian olive to see if someone can help come up with an idea on how to turn it!
Program –
Part 1 – LOG TO BLANK: Ray Hyde will be sharing his knowledge of preparing bowl and platter blanks from logs. WE will discuss the use of both chain saw and sawmill, and how a band saw fits in.
Part 2 – HOLIDAY ORNAMENTS: Robb Glibbery will demonstrate light bulb ornaments.
John Skarja will demonstrate turning finials, tools used, and wood selection.
Ray Hyde will demonstrate how to make and use a jig to make a sea urchin ornament and discuss preparing the sea urchin. We are hoping to line up a few more – if you have a favorite ornament you turn please bring it in!
Part 3 – FINIAL DEMO: John Skarja will demonstrate how to turn finials. First he will discuss tools and what woods work well, with a finial turning demonstration to follow.
NOTE ON MEETING PROGRAMS: We will be trying to organize programs that continue over more than one meeting – maybe show the starting process in one meeting, the majority of the turning in the next meeting, and finishing in the next meeting. We are starting this above with Ray’s LOG to BLANK demonstration, and at the Dec. meeting we will demonstrate how to rough out a bowl from the blanks we made. Also in December we will be starting club discussion on making the wooden curling stones including the layout and glue-up. Then in Jan. we will finish the bowl we roughed out in Dec. and we will also move to part 2 on the curling stones and begin working on turning the curling stones on the lathe.
Contact Information
President Susan Van Loon Runnoe 218 341-8247
Vice President Doug Runnoe 218 391-5419
Secretary Ray Hyde 715 813-7616
Treasure Paul Howard 218 340-2208
Program Director John Skarja 218 464-8129
Greg Whitaker 989 798-3181
Robb Gibbery
Jon Stephenson, MD